Meet Rhonda

Hello and Welcome

Rhonda Nease

If you’ve found your way here, it’s possible that life has put some challenges in your path. Perhaps you’re looking for compassionate spiritual companionship and support, the wisdom that lives at the heart of all spiritual traditions. Or perhaps you’ve heard of HeartMath® and the HeartMath Institute, and would like to find out more about how to merge your heart and your mind for inner peace, balance, and upliftment.

Hello. I’m Rhonda Nease, and I would be honored to assist you on your journey. Since an early age, I’ve been aware of a greater reality, beyond what we typically experience with our five senses. This expanded awareness has fueled my passion for healing at the deepest levels and has been a guiding factor in my educational, spiritual, and personal pursuits. Having traveled my own road of personal challenge, I care deeply about holding a loving space for those going through similar experiences, sharing what I’ve learned, and facilitating healing by helping others get in touch with their deepest wisdom.

A psychology major in college, I went on to spend many years in the corporate world before following my desire to attend an interfaith seminary and study the major world religions. I also pursued post ordination studies in inter-spiritual counseling, and afterwards gained certification as a Life Coach, HeartMath® Mentor and Trainer, and certified Sacred Contracts counselor from CMED Institute. In addition, my journey led me to travel and study with brilliant teachers from many parts of the world including Australia, Brazil, India, Germany, Poland, England and the U.S., deepening my spiritual growth and experiencing many healing modalities and forms of meditation and prayer. As a volunteer with various organizations, I’ve worked with refugee resettlement programs, homeless working families, and equine assisted therapies.

And, as Reverend Rhonda, I’ve officiated hundreds of weddings throughout the Roanoke Valley. To find out more about that, please visit Roanoke Valley Ceremonies.

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